​The District Grand Lodge of Western Australia

Welcome from Right Worshipful District Grand Master
Welcome to the Web site of The District Grand Lodge of Western Australia under the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the Brethren of Scottish Freemasonry in Western Australia, who have seen fit to elect me as District Grand Master and thereby give me the opportunity of continuing to promote our beloved Scottish Craft in a positive manner.
I am looking forward to the many challenges which lie ahead and give you my commitment that I will always do my best to represent this District Grand Lodge and its Daughter Lodges in a proper and becoming manner.
I ask you, to give me your continued support, as I and many other committed people work hard to grow our Scottish Masonic Charitable Foundation of Western Australia into an organisation of which we can all be immensely proud. When the Foundation makes annual grants to some of the organisations who have requested our support, it is done on behalf of all the Lodges in our District and Scottish Freemasonry in particular.
I would be delighted to communicate with anyone interested in Scottish Freemasonry in this District and would welcome e-mail correspondence.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Bro. Clive Lynn
District Grand Master